Migrating from a previous version

Note: At this time, there isn't a way to migrate the toolbar configuration between major versions of SketchUp.


Migrating Materials & Components in SketchUp
  1. (If you're migrating from SketchUp 2013) Navigate to the root folder in SketchUp 8 and older. This is typically,
    C:\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp 2013\Materials (or Components)
  2. Select the files in the Plugins folder and press Ctrl+C to copy the items.
  3. Navigate to C:\Program Files\SketchUp\SketchUp #\Materials (or Components)
  4. Press Ctrl+V on your keyboard to paste the files. You may be asked if you want to Merge the folders and "Confirm Folder Replace." Click Yes to the warnings.
  5. You'll then be prompted with each subsequent material file to either "Copy and replace" or "Don't copy." We recommend you select "Don't copy" so you can retain the new content with the same file name. Any new content files that you created, however, will be copied without any problem. You can also select the "Do this for the next ### conflicts" so you don't have to approve each file.
  6. Open SketchUp and your new materials should be in the Materials dialog box, and/or your new components will be in the Components dialog box.
Migrating Plugins in SketchUp

First, Migrate extensions that are on Extension Warehouse.

  1. Open your new installation of SketchUp.
  2. Open the Extension Warehouse Window and sign in.
  3. Navigate to your “My Extensions” page by hovering over your username in the top right corner, and selecting “My Extensions”. The My Extensions page lists extensions that you have installed in the past, on other versions and installations of SketchUp.
  4. Scroll through the list and install any extensions that you wish to access in this SketchUp installation.

Second, Migrate all other Extensions

  • Determine what extensions you use but are not available through Extension Warehouse. You will need to discover where to download the current version of those extensions and reinstall them. Typically this is the extension developer’s website.
  • Very often this will include any renderers or hardware extensions (like special mouse controllers) you may be using with SketchUp.

If you have a plugin that utilized a custom installer (i.e. you double-clicked on a file that installed the plugin), you need to contact the plugin developer for specific instructions on updating to support the latest version of SketchUp. These instructions are intended for users who copy and pasted .RB, .RBS, or .RBZ files into the SketchUp plugins folder:

  1. Open a new Windows Explorer window.
  2. Navigate to the root folder for the older version of SketchUp;
    eg. C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2021\SketchUp\Plugins
  3. Select the files in the Plugins folder and press Ctrl+C to copy the items.
  4. Navigate to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2022\SketchUp\Plugins
  5. Press Ctrl+V on your keyboard to paste the files.
  6. Open SketchUp 2022 or newer and access the plugins as you have in the past. Note that there may be some older plugins that are not compatible with your current version of SketchUp. In this case, please contact the plugin developer for additional assistance.
Note: Not all SketchUp plugins are compatible with the current version of SketchUp. Please contact the plugin developer if you need additional assistance.
Migrating LayOut

You can define the location where Templates, Scrapbooks and Pattern-Fills are stored with each version of LayOut in the Preferences dialog box under the Folders section. By default any newly created Templates and Scrapbooks are stored in the paths below. When upgrading from an older version of SketchUp just locate the appropriate folder below, copy the contents and paste them into the new folder. Alternatively you may wish to create a folder in a location of your choosing, such as in your Documents folder, and then point LayOut to that location under the Preferences dialog box.

  • LayOut 2022 C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2022\LayOut\Templates
  • LayOut 2022 C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2022\LayOut\Scrapbooks
Pattern-Fill Images
  • There Is No User Folder
Note: You may notice when defining the storage location under Preferences that each item is also stored under ProgramData. This is typically a system level storage location, and we discourage placing your content directly into this location.


Migrating Materials & Components in SketchUp

Watch the video

  1. Open a new Finder window.
  2. Open the Go menu and choose "Go to Folder"
  3. Enter the following and click Go
    eg. ~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2021/SketchUp
    If you're migrating from a different version, just substitute that version number for the "2021" in the suggested path.
  4. Select the files in the Materials folder and press Command+C to copy the items.
  5. Open the Go menu and choose "Go to Folder"
  6. Enter the following and click Go
    ~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2022/SketchUp
    Note: If there is no Materials folder, you will need to create one.
  7. Press Command+V on your keyboard to paste the files.
Migrating Plugins in SketchUp

First, Migrate extensions that are on Extension Warehouse.

  1. Open your new installation of SketchUp.
  2. Open the Extension Warehouse Window and sign in.
  3. Navigate to your “My Extensions” page by hovering over your username in the top right corner, and selecting “My Extensions”. The My Extensions page lists extensions that you have installed in the past, on other versions and installations of SketchUp.
  4. Scroll through the list and install any extensions that you wish to access in this SketchUp installation.

Second, Migrate all other Extensions

  • Determine what extensions you use but are not available through Extension Warehouse. You will need to discover where to download the current version of those extensions and reinstall them. Typically this is the extension developer’s website.
  • Very often this will include any renderers or hardware extensions (like special mouse controllers) you may be using with SketchUp.

If you have a plugin that utilized a custom installer (i.e. you double-clicked on a file that installed the plugin), you need to contact the plugin developer for specific instructions on updating to support SketchUp 2014 or newer. These instructions are intended for users who copy and pasted .RB, .RBS, or .RBZ files into the SketchUp plugins folder:

  1. Open a new Finder window.
  2. Open the Go menu and choose "Go to Folder"
  3. Enter the following and click Go
    eg. ~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2021/SketchUp/
  4. Select the files in the Plugins folder and press Command+C to copy the items.
  5. Open the Go menu and choose "Go to Folder"
  6. Enter the following and click Go
    ~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp 2022/SketchUp
  7. Press Command+V on your keyboard to paste the files.
  8. Open SketchUp 2022 or newer and access the plugins as you have in the past. Note that there may be some older plugins that are not compatible with your current version of SketchUp. In this case, please contact the plugin developer for additional assistance.
Note: Not all SketchUp plugins are compatible with the current version of SketchUp. Please contact the plugin developer if you need additional assistance.
Migrating LayOut
Note:Be aware that the tilde (~) at the beginning of each path indicates the "User Level" folder structure, often depicted as Users/USERNAME/. If a Templates or Scrapbooks folder doesn't already exist you may need to create a folder manually.
  • LayOut 2022 ~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp/SketchUp 2022/LayOut/Templates
  • LayOut 2022 ~/Library/Application Support/SketchUp/SketchUp 2022/LayOut/Scrapbooks
Pattern-Fill Images
  • There Is No User Folder
Note: You may notice when defining the storage location under Preferences that each item is also stored under Contents, this is a System level storage location and we discourage placing your content directly into this location.
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