Creating a Dynamic Component that snaps to a specific size

PRO This is a Pro only feature.

You can constrain a component to a series of predefined sizes by placing specific formulas in the LenX, LenY, or LenZ fields of the parent component.

Snapping to the nearest rounded value

Place the following formula in the LenX field for a component to snap the component's LenX to the nearest width within 2 inches after scaling:

LenX =ROUND(CURRENT("LenX")/2)*2

This formula is useful for components that represent items that only come in whole number sizes.

Snapping to one of a series of specific values

Place the following formula in the LenX field for a component to snap the component's LenX to the nearest value (24, 36, or 48 inches) in a list after scaling:

LenX =NEAREST(CURRENT("LenX"),24,36,48)

This formula is useful for components that represent items that come in a pre-defined series of sizes, such as kitchen cabinets.

Snapping to a smallest or largest size

Place the following formula in the LenX field for a component to snap the component's LenX to 20 inches wide when a scale operation scales the component beyond 20 inches:


Place the following formula in the LenX field for a component to snap the component's LenX to 10 inches wide when a scale operation scales the component below 10 inches:


These formulas are useful for components that represent items that must not be smaller than or larger than a specific size.

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