Creating a 3D Model

Before you can model your great idea, you need to know the basics of 3D modeling. From there, you can add modeling techniques to your skillset.

Are you new to creating 3D models? The following Help Center articles help you warm up your modeling muscles:

  • The Getting Started article explains how to select a template, navigate the SketchUp interface, create your very first 3D model, and save your work.
  • The articles about drawing and viewing models explain concepts essential to modeling successfully in the third dimension.
Tip: Drawing in 3D is different from drawing in 2D. If you’re a beginner, the articles about getting started, drawing, and viewing a 3D model help you transition into a 3D mindset.

Is your model naked? No, this isn’t a figure-drawing art class with human models. SketchUp nevertheless supports visual creativity. Make your 3D model look realistic (or extraordinary!) by adding color, materials (such as brick or tile), textures, photos, and more.

Would you like a few details done for you? We all need a helping hand - especially if your hand is cramped after drawing a detailed 3D model. With SketchUp, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel - or the IKEA furniture, windows, doors, kitchen cabinets, or myriad other items that are already available as components or dynamic components. (You can also develop your own components.) Similarly, SketchUp’s style presets enable you to apply attractive color schemes and line styles with one click.

Have you created a monster? Organize complex geometry with groups or layers. Keep track of what appears where by using the Outliner.

Is your model lost in space? SketchUp’s geolocation feature enables you to place your model anywhere on Earth. If your model needs to reflect specific terrain, you can add terrain to your model, too.

Or is your model destined for the big screen? Test out your ideas for a production set by placing movie cameras in models of production sets.

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