Working with SketchUp Models in LayOut

LayOut’s most distinctive, time-saving, awesome feature is its ability to display SketchUp model files and synchronize your SketchUp file and your LayOut file almost automagically.

For example, after you import a SketchUp file into your LayOut document:

Note: Depending on your computer’s memory and graphics capabilities, large SketchUp files may have trouble displaying in LayOut. If you experience an issue, check out ways you can work with or improve the problem.

Tip: In LayOut, you can change a SketchUp model entity into an image. Although you lose all the synchronization features between SketchUp and LayOut, if you’re certain these features are unnecessary, this image can help with performance issues and managing file sizes. To transform a SketchUp model entity into an image, the model entity must be rendered in raster mode. (See the section on rendering model entities in the article, Editing a SketchUp Model’s View and Style Settings in LayOut.) When you’re ready to create the image, select the model entity and choose Edit > Explode or context-click the model entity and select Explode from the menu that appears. Note that if you explode when a model is rendered in vector or hybrid mode, the command creates a group of vector edges and faces either instead of or in addition to an image.

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