• If you use LayOut for Microsoft Windows, you can create panel trays for the panels you use most often, or to keep the panels you need for different workflows organized and ready in a single click. To create a custom panel tray, follow these steps:

  • Every once in a while, depending on your SketchUp and LayOut preferences or perhaps the capabilities of your computer, SketchUp model entities don’t display well or at all in the LayOut document area. In this article, you find details and solutions to the most common SketchUp model entity display issues.

  • Although LayOut enables you to edit view and style settings without switching back to SketchUp, LayOut doesn't enable you to edit the actual model. For that, you must open the model file in SketchUp. When you need to edit the geometry or other SketchUp-only features, LayOut does make it easy to open a model in SketchUp and keep the updated SketchUp file synched with your LayOut document. Here's a quick look at the ways LayOut helps you manage changes and updates to SketchUp models:

  • In LayOut, you can change the view of your model or its style settings right within the model entity. This timesaving feature enables you to make adjustments without endlessly switching back and forth between the SketchUp and LayOut applications, or having to redo even more complex processes that other presentation programs require so that your model presentation stays up to date.

  • LayOut is mainly for showing off your SketchUp models. To insert a SketchUp model into a LayOut document, follow these steps:

  • LayOut’s most distinctive, time-saving, awesome feature is its ability to display SketchUp model files and synchronize your SketchUp file and your LayOut file almost automagically. For example, after you import a SketchUp file into your LayOut document: