Exporting CAD Data from LayOut

DWG and DXF are file formats that open in popular CAD programs. To export a document to one of these formats, follow these steps:

  1. From the menu bar, select File > Export > DWG/DXF.
  2. Navigate to the location where you want to save the file.
  3. In the File Name box, type a name for the file.
  4. In the Save As Type drop-down list, select DWG or DXF.
  5. Click Save. The DWG/DXF Export dialog box appears
  6. In the Format area select the version of AutoCAD in which the file will be opened using the drop-down provided. You can also choose to change the format of the document here (DWG or DXF).
  7. By default, LayOut includes all pages in your document in the exported file. You can choose to specify a page range instead in the Pages section.
  8. By default, LayOut creates a DWG/DXF layer corresponding to each layer in your document and exports hidden layers. Use the options in the Layers section to modify what layers appear in your exported file.

    Tip: If a layer is hidden on all pages, the layer is exported as hidden. If the layer is hidden on some but not all pages, only the visible entities are exported.
  9. The following options appear under Other:
    • Select Export Entities as Color by Layer to export each layer's entities as a different color based on its layer.
    • The Export as Native DWG/DXF Entities option will appear selected by default. Unselect it and LayOut entities will be exploded into raw geometry in the exported file. For example an exploded LayOut dimension appears in the exported file as lines and text and has none of the usual dimension behaviors.

      Tip: LayOut exports dimensions, labels, circles, arcs, ellipses, and tables as native DWG/DXF entities.
    • Ignore fills will appear selected by default. Unselect this option if you want fills included in your exported file.
    • To assist with performance, Raster rendered SketchUp model viewports are the fastest. You can export those viewports as Hybrid-rendered viewports with this option checked.

      Note: LayOut entities are exported into paper space. SketchUp model entities (except models in Perspective view) are exported into model space.
    • Export for SketchUp exports all LayOut Paper Space and SketchUp model viewport entities to the Model Space at the current paper size.

      Tip: Export for SketchUp places all LayOut entities into the Model Space so that SketchUp can now 'play' with all LayOut data. As part of this feature Groups are sent over as SketchUp Components, Fills and Patterns are sent over as SketchUp faces.
  10. Click Export. LayOut creates the DWG or DXF file just how you ordered it.
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