Troubleshooting Add Location

Here are some common issues a user may come across when using Add Location. 

Missing Terrain or Tiles

If your import is missing sections of terrain, also known as tiles, it may be because those sections weren’t available at the resolution you selected or the provider didn’t get the data for that area. To fix, try importing your selection again using a different resolution or provider. 

Slow Performance After an Import

If your imported location data impacts SketchUp’s overall performance, delete the imported imagery and import it again at a lower resolution. You can also reduce the size of the imported data. 

Location Pin Visibility 

While you can control the visibility of the Location Pin in the Overlays panel, the best way to do so is by selecting or deselecting Location Pin in the View menu. Using the option in Overlays may not work as intended. 

Import Issues When Editing Components

While editing a component after importing 3D terrain, using Add Location again to import more data may not overlap the new data with existing terrain data as intended.  To make sure new data is imported without issue, lock the Geolocation Content group in the Outliner panel.

KMZ Export Issue with Mesh Geometry 

In older versions of Add Location, mesh geometry was excluded from the KMZ export process. In the current version of Add Location, you must manually hide mesh geometry in the Outliner and disable the Exclude Hidden Geometry export flag. Performing this action will make sure that geometry is included in the KMZ export.

Optimizing Your Models

If you are running into issues with a hidden model due to it's size, try simplifying it by reducing the amount of polygons in the model. This can help make your model lighter while maintaining visual quality. Only models with fewer than 50,000 polygons will appear while using Add Location. 

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