Dynamic Components Text Function Examples

Text Functions

Function Description Example(s)
CHAR(number) The CHAR function converts a number into a character according to the current code table. The number argument can be a two-digit or three-digit integer number between 1 and 255 (representing the code value for the character). View SketchUp Example
CODE(text) The CODE function returns a numeric code for the first character in a text string. The text argument is the text for which the code of the first character is to be found. View SketchUp Example
CONCATENATE(text1, text2, ...textN) The CONCATENATE function combines several text strings into one string. The text1, text2, ...textN arguments are text strings that are combined into one string. View SketchUp Example
DOLLAR(value, decimals) The DOLLAR function converts a number to an amount in the currency format, rounded to a specified decimal place. The value argument is the number to be converted to currency. The value argument can be a number, a reference to a cell containing a number, or a formula which returns a number. The decimals (optional) argument is the number of decimal places. If no decimals value is specified, all numbers in currency format will be displayed with two decimal places. The currency format is set in the system settings. View SketchUp Example
EXACT(text1, text2) The EXACT function compares two text strings and returns TRUE if they are identical. This function is case-sensitive. The text 1 and text 2 arguments are the text strings. View SketchUp Example
FIND(findText, text, position) The FIND function looks for a string of text within another string. The findText argument is the text to be found. The text argument is the text string to be searched. The position (optional) argument is the position in text where the search starts. The findText argument can be a number or any string of characters. The search is case-sensitive. View SketchUp Example
LEFT(text, number) The LEFT function returns the first character (or characters) in a text string. The text argument is the text string. The number (optional) argument is the number of characters to be returned. One character is returned if the number is not defined. --
LEN(text) The LEN function returns the length of a text string including spaces. The text argument is the string whose length is returned. --
LOWER(text) The LOWER function converts all uppercase letters in a text string to lowercase. The text argument is the string to be converted. View SketchUp Example
MID(text, start, number) The MID function returns a text segment of a text string. The text argument is the text string. The start argument contains the position of the first character in the text to extract. The number argument is the number of characters to return. View SketchUp Example
PROPER(text) The PROPER function capitalizes the first letter in all words of the provided text string. View SketchUp Example
REPLACE(text, position, length, new) The REPLACE function replaces part of a text string with a different text string. The text argument is the text string of which part will be replaced. The position function is the position within the text where the replacement will begin. The length argument is the number of characters in the text to be replaced. The new argument is the replacement text.

This function can be used to replace both characters and numbers (which are automatically converted to text). The result of the function is always displayed as text. To perform further calculations with a number which has been replaced by text, convert it back to a number using the VALUE function. Any text containing numbers must be enclosed in quotation marks so it is not interpreted as a number and automatically converted to text.
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REPT(text, number) The REPT function repeats a text string. The text argument is the text to be repeated. The number argument is the number of repetitions. The result can be a maximum of 255 characters. View SketchUp Example
RIGHT(text, number) The RIGHT function returns the last character or characters in a text string. The text argument is the text string. The number (optional) argument is the number of characters to be returned. View SketchUp Example
SUBSTITUTE(text, searchText, newText, occurrence) The SUBSTITUTE function substitutes new text for old text in a string. The text is the old text string. The searchText argument is the segment in text to be replaced. The newText argument is the replacement text. The occurrence (optional)argument indicates the number of occurrences of searchText to be replaced. If the occurrence is missing, the search text is replaced throughout. View SketchUp Example
TRIM(text) The TRIM function removes spaces in front of a text string (or aligns cell contents to the left). The argument contains text string or cell whose contents will be left-aligned. View SketchUp Example
UPPER(text) The UPPER function converts a text string to uppercase. The text argument contains the lower case letters you want to convert to upper case. View SketchUp Example
VALUE(text) The VALUE function converts a text string into a number. The text argument is the text to be converted to a number. View SketchUp Example
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