Dynamic Components Math Function Examples

Math Functions (Specific to SketchUp Dynamic Components)

Function Description Example(s)
ABS(number) The ABS function returns the absolute value of number. Example:
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CEILING(number, significance) The CEILING function rounds a number to the nearest integer or multiple of significance. The significance argument is the value whose multiple of ten is the value to be rounded up (.01, .1, 1, 10, etc.). Example:
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DEGREES(number) The DEGREES function converts the number(in radians) to degrees. Example:
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EVEN(number) The EVEN function rounds the numberup to the nearest even integer. Example:
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EXP(number) The EXP function returns e raised to the power of number. Example:
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FLOOR(number, significance) The FLOOR function rounds the number down to the nearest multiple of significance. Example:
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INT(number) The INT function rounds the number down to the nearest integer. Example:
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ISEVEN(number) The ISEVEN function returns TRUE if the number is an even integer, or FALSE if the number is odd. If the number is not an integer, the function evaluates only the integer part of the number. Example:
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ISODD(number) The ISODD function returns TRUE if the number is an odd integer, or FALSE if the number is even. If value is not a number, the function evaluates only the integer part of the number. Example:
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LN(number) THE LN function returns the natural logarithm based on the constant e of the number. Example:
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LOG10(number) The LOG10 function returns the base-10 logarithm of the number. Example:
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ODD(number) The ODD function rounds the number up to the nearest odd integer. Example:
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PI() The PI function returns the value of PI to fourteen decimal places.  
RADIANS(number) The RADIAN function converts the number (in degrees) to radians. Example:
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RAND() The RAND function returns a random number between 0 and 1. Example:
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RANDBETWEEN(bottom, top) The RANDBETWEEN function returns a whole number between the bottom and top number. Example:

The previous example returns a 1, 2, 3.

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ROUND(number, count) The ROUND function rounds the number to a certain number of decimal places according to valid mathematical criteria. The count argument is optional and represents the number of the places to round the number. If the count argument is negative, only the whole number portion is rounded. Example:

The previous example returns 1.13.

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SIGN(number) The SIGN function returns the sign of the number. The function returns the result 1 for a positive sign, -1 for a negative sign, and 0 for zero. Example:
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SQRT(number) The SQRT function returns the positive square root of the number. The number must be positive.  
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