Getting Started in the Extension Warehouse
Have you ever wished for a specific tool or command that would make your 3D modeling so much easier?
The Extension Warehouse could grant your wish.
In the Extension Warehouse, you find SketchUp extensions (also called plug-ins) that perform specific but timesaving or useful tasks (like inspecting and repairing solids for 3D printing) as well as extensions with broader functionality (like tools for designing an IKEA kitchen).
If you’re completely new to the Extension Warehouse, the following sections help you get started.
Table of Contents
Accessing the Extension Warehouse
You can access the Extension Warehouse in SketchUp or in a web browser:
- In SketchUp, select Extensions > Extension Warehouse, and the Extension Warehouse home page appears, as shown in the following figure.
- In a web browser, go to
and you see the Extension Warehouse home page, which is nearly identical to the one in SketchUp.

Signing in to the Extension Warehouse
You can search the Extension Warehouse without an account, but to install and manage your extensions, you need to to sign in.
Extension Warehouse accounts are based on Google Accounts:
- If you have an existing Google Account for email or other Google services, you can use that to sign in.
- If you’ve signed in to the 3D Warehouse, you can use that same account with the Extension Warehouse.
- If you don’t have a Google Account, it’s free. See Google’s Create Your Google Account page to get started.
After you have your account, follow these steps to sign in to the Extension Warehouse:
- Click the Sign In link in the upper right.
- When prompted, type your user name and password. After you’re signed in, the Sign In link becomes a user menu, where you can manage your extensions and your Extension Warehouse profile and account.
To sign out of the Extension Warehouse, simply select Sign Out from the user menu.
Touring the Extension Warehouse interface
The Extension Warehouse interface gives you a few simple and handy ways to find, install, and manage extensions. This section highlights the main features and has links to articles that explain how these features work in more detail.
Extension Warehouse home page
When you first sign in to the Extension Warehouse, you see the home page, as shown in the following figure. To help you connect the features to what you see on-screen, the numbers in the following list correspond to the figure callouts.
- Back, Forward, and Home icons: You see these icons wherever you are in the Extension Warehouse.
- Search box: Type an extension’s name (if you know it) or search terms that describe the functionality or features you’re looking for.
- User menu: From this menu, you can go to the My Extensions page, the Developer Center, or the My Account page. The menu also enables you to sign out of the Extension Warehouse.
- Top Extensions: This list highlights the most popular extensions. Click an extension’s name to see the extension details page and learn more about the extension.
- Categories and Industries: Extensions are tagged with categories and industries to help you find the extension you need. This area of the Extension Warehouse home page lists all the category and industry tags.
- Top Developers: Check out what the top developers for the Extension Warehouse are up to by clicking a developer’s user name in the Top Developers list.

To find the extension you’re looking for, you can use the Search box or browse the Categories and Industries. Searching or Browsing for Extensions explains your options as well as how the refine your search results.
Extension details page
You install an extension from the extension details page, such as the one for the 3D Tree Maker extension shown in the following figure. Adding Extensions to SketchUp explains the ins and outs of installing extensions. In addition to the preview images (and sometimes a video), each extension details page typically has the following:
- Description: Here the developer explains what the extension does and how it’s useful. You might also find information about updates or fixes.
- Reviews: Scroll down below the description, and you can read reviews from other users who have downloaded the extension.
- Install button: When you find the extension you’re looking for, click this button to install the extension.
- Sidebar of statistics and info: At a glance, you can see basic info about the extension, such as the file size, date created, SketchUp and operating system compatibility, and more.
- Developer: Below the sidebar is the developer’s name and a link to their profile.

My Extensions page
After you install one or more extensions, you can update, disable, uninstall, and otherwise manage your extensions from the My Extensions page. This page also helps you migrate your extensions to a new computer or version of SketchUp. See Managing Extensions for details.
My Account page
The My Account page, available via the user menu, enables you to customize your public profile or commenting, language, and other settings. Managing Your Extension Warehouse Profile and Account walks you through the options.