SketchUp Image Igloo View: Navigating between scenes

The Image Igloo tool allows you to move between Matched Photo scenes quickly. It also allows you to see adjacent images to provide context as you navigate around a structure when modeling.

Opening and Closing
  • Image Igloo View can be opened by Camera > Image Igloo.
Tool Operation
  1. Orbit with the mouse to view matched photo scenes. One of the scenes will be highlighted in pink.
  2. Press Enter to activate the highlighted scene.
  3. Use the Arrow keys to navigate to another photo scene with a similar focal point.
  4. Use Camera > Zoom Extents to see all scenes.
  5. Double-click an image to quickly activate the scene.
Modifier Keys
  • Option (Mac) or Control (Windows) + Arrow keys can be used to navigate within a group of photos taken from nearly the same location. For example, Trimble Vision Imagery captured within the same station view.
  • Shift + Arrow keys to select the next scene in the photo series.
  • Orbit to a particular perspective that you want to model and then open the Image Igloo view. You will notice that the closest Match Photo Scene to that perspective will be selected.
  • When modeling, the Arrow keys are useful to check your modeling as it will continue to reference another photo scene with a similar focal point. The Arrow keys are also helpful when picking images for when the Photo Point tool is needed.
  • Window > Model Info > Animation allows the user to adjust the animation time when changing between scenes.
  • Like all SketchUp tools, you can assign a shortcut (instructions Microsoft Windows | Mac) to the Image Igloo View to make this feature more efficient.
  • Utilize the scene manager (Window > Scenes) to make navigating through the Matched Photo scenes easier.
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