Replacing a Material

By replacing one material with another you can experiment with different materials in your designs without having to pick each face or group one by one. The Paint Bucket () tool can help you achieve this through its optional tool modes:

  • All Matching – Applies the material to all faces in your model using the same material as the entity you click to paint.
    • Example: Multiple buildings in your model use the same material on external walls. Activating All Matching and replacing a material on one external wall will change the material on each of them.
  • All Connected – Applies the material to all faces using the same material connected to the selected face.
    • Example: A countertop and backsplash are connected faces in your bathroom model. The bathtub uses the same material as both, but you want to see what they would look like with a different material without changing the bathtub. Activating All Connected and replacing the material on the countertop will also change the backsplash but not the bathtub.
  • All on Same Object – Applies the material to all faces using the same material within the same group or component as the selected face.
    • Example: A living room model contains two identical chairs. The cushions in the chairs aren’t connected faces but all share the same material. You would like to see what one would look like with different colored cushions. Activating All on Same Object and replacing the material on the cushions on one chair will not change the other.

      IconFunctionWindows ShortcutMacOS Shortcut
      All MatchingShiftShift
      All ConnectedCtrlOption
      All on Same ObjectCtrl+ShiftOption+Shift
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