Tags Panel and Tool

The Tags panel lists and helps you manage all the tags associated with your model. In the tags panel you'll find the following options:

Tags Panel

The Tags panel lists and helps you manage all the tags associated with your model. In the tags panel you'll find the following options:

  1. Toggle the visibility of your tagged entities. The icon at the top of the panel sorts your tag list by visibility. Toggling the icon next to each tag changes the visibility of entities with that tag.
  2. Add a new tag.
  3. Create folders to help organize your tags.
  4. Sort your tags alphabetically.
  5. After selecting a tag, use the Color by Tag icon to change the color of all objects sharing the selected tag to that tag's assigned color.
  6. Purge unused tags.
  7. Next to each tag is a context menu. In this menu you can edit or delete the selected tag.

Tag Tool

The Tag tool ()in SketchUp for iPad has 3 optional tool modes:

  • Sample () - Allows you to sample a tag assigned to another entity, changing your selected tag to the sampled one. Once you've sampled a tag, the Tag tool reverts to normal mode.
  • Replace Matching () - Using this tool mode replaces the tag assigned to an entity, and all other entities it shares a tag with, with the selected tag.
  • Tag All Instances () - Applies the selected tag to an entity and any copies of that entity.

The Tag tool works with all available iPad input methods. For more information on how to use tags in your model, see Controlling Visibility with Tags.

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