SketchUp for Web's Main Toolbar

When you first open a new model you'll see the Main Toolbar on the left side.


The first icon you see is Search SketchUp (). Clicking Search SketchUp opens a search bar. Clicking Help () in the search bar opens a list of search controls.


The rest of the toolbar contains the following tools:

IconTool NameShortcutLearn More
SelectSpace BarSelecting Geometry
EraserEErasing and Undoing
Paint BucketBAdding Colors and Textures with Materials
PencilLIntroducing Drawing Basics and Concepts
RectangleRDrawing Basic Shapes
Push/PullPPushing and Pulling Shapes into 3D
MoveMMoving Entities Around
RotateQFlipping, Mirroring, Rotating, and Arrays
ScaleSScaling Your Model or Parts of Your Model
Tape MeasureTMeasuring Angles and Distances to Model Precisely
OrbitOViewing a Model
PanHViewing a Model

For the rest of your tools, see SketchUp for Web Expanded Toolbar.

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