Push-Pull Tool

Need to extend the overhang on your roof? How about punching a hole where you drew that circle? The Push/Pull tool () has you covered. This versatile tool can create a 3D shape from a face or cut a 3D shape out of a model.

In SketchUp for iPad, the Push/Pull tool has the following optional tool modes:

  • Copy () - Activating this mode starts a new operation, leaving the existing face in place while extending a new one.
  • Stretch () - Stretch mode can only be activated when you already have a face selected. When activated, this mode forces the Push/Pull tool to auto-fold any connected faces as you move that pre-selected face.
Keyboard Shortcut: Pressing P activates the Push/Pull tool.

iPad Input Methods for the Push/Pull Tool

After choosing the Push/Pull tool and activating any optional tool modes, you can use one of the iPad input methods in either Click-Move-Click or Just Draw mode to start manipulating your drawing.

Tip: Use the Measurements box to push or pull geometry a specific distance.

Click-Move-Click Mode

Mouse or Trackpad - Click the face you want to push or pull and move your cursor up or down. Releasing completes the operation.

Pencil or Multitouch - Push/Pull is not available for these input methods in Click-Move-Click mode.

Just Draw Mode

All Input Modes - If you've already selected a face simply click, tap, or long press and hold anywhere on the screen and move your cursor up, down, or side-to-side. Releasing completes the operation. If you haven't selected a face you'll need to make sure you click, tap, or long press and hold the desired face.

For more information about using the Push/Pull tool in your models, see Pushing and Pulling Shapes into 3D.

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