Organizing a Model
SketchUp provides all the tools needed to keep everything organized. An organized model makes it easier to manage entities and control visibility. To get started, take a look at the following organizational features and techniques available in SketchUp:
- Grouping Geometry – Groups gather up multiple entities into one Object. Learn how to make a Group work in a model.
- Working with Hierarchies in Outliner – The Outliner is like a map to all the Groups, Components, and section planes in a model. The Outliner can help navigate around and identify Objects in large models, control visibility of Objects, and much more.
- Controlling Visibility with Tags – Tags are a way to manage the visibility of multiple Objects in a model.
- Adding Dashed Lines to Tags – Further customize your Tags with dashed lines, changing all lines in the tagged Object from solid to dashed, giving that geometry a more specific meaning.