Troubleshooting Subscription Errors

SketchUp Pro for Desktop - Subscription Licensing Errors

  • “We were unable to start your trial. Please try again later.” After clicking the button to start your trial, we expect that you'll have the "trial entitlement" after the request completes. If our request completes without issuing a trial entitlement it results in this error. In most cases it's likely due to a network connection error, but sometimes it's an issue on our side. You should be able to resolve this issue by trying again.

  • "You have been offline too long"

    SketchUp Pro for Desktop requires a periodic check-in with the authorization server. If you are offline longer than 28 days then you’ll need to re-connect to the network to continue using SketchUp.

  • "The cached license is corrupt"

    While not typical, you may see this error if you’re offline for longer than the allotted 28 days. To resolve the issue you’ll need to re-connect to the network, or you may need to sign out and back in with your Trimble ID.

  • "The license is corrupt"

    This should only occur if the SketchUp license file on the system has become corrupt. If you’ve altered any system files for SketchUp you may need to delete those files, then sign out and back in to generate a valid license.

  • "Your subscription has expired"

    You’ll see this message if you’ve disabled Auto-Renewal or canceled your SketchUp subscription. You’ll need to sign up for a new subscription to be able to use SketchUp again.

  • "We are having trouble communicating with our entitlements server"

    We are unable to reach You may need to unblock this address in your firewall or proxy server.

  • "This device is not authorized. Please sign in again to continue"

    This can happen if you’ve used the “Deauthorize All” command via the Trimble Account Manager. It can also happen if the request to authorize your device fails for some reason when signing in. Either way, signing out and back in again should fix the issue.

  • "Device limit reached, please sign out from another device"

    You will see this message if you try to run SketchUp on too many machines. To fix this, choose Deauthorize All or manually sign out of another device. Note that you’ll need to sign-in to any of those devices to use them again in the future.

Subscription Licensing Authorization Messages

You may occasionally lose authorization while SketchUp or LayOut is already open. While in this state, you can continue to work in your open documents. However, you will be unable to create a new file or open an existing one. One of the following message boxes will appear.

  • "You are signed out."

    You've been signed out. Sign in to start a new file or open an existing file.

  • "Your device has been offline for too long."

    Please connect to the internet so we can validate your entitlement.

  • "You are not licensed."

    You can continue to use SketchUp/LayOut, but you will not be allowed to start a new file or open an existing file.

Any of the error messages listed above in “Subscription Licensing Errors” can also be displayed as part of a authorization message. For example, “Device limit reached, please sign out from another device” or “This device is not authorized. Please sign in again”.

You can continue to use SketchUp, but you will not be allowed to start a new file or open an existing file.

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