Opening a Saved Model
SketchUp provides a few different ways to open a saved model.
Welcome Window
The most recently opened files appear in SketchUp’s Welcome Window under Recent Files.
Clicking the tile or listing for a model will open it in SketchUp.

Click Open File to find and open any file not listed under Recent files. Choosing My Device opens the File Manager when using Windows or Finder on MacOS to help locate the file. Choosing Trimble Connect opens a Trimble Connect window. For more information about opening a model in Trimble Connect see Using Trimble Connect with SketchUp .
Opening a File in SketchUp
If SketchUp is already running, there are two ways to open another file in the File menu.

Clicking File > Open opens the File Manager when using Windows or Finder on MacOS to help locate the file. Clicking File >Trimble Connect > Open from Trimble Connect opens a Trimble Connect Window. For more information on how to find a file in Trimble Connect see Using Trimble Connect with SketchUp