Summary of issue An issue was discovered with SketchUp 2016 where uninstalling the program resets your default Internet browser. This issue only affected computers using Microsoft Windows that had SketchUp 2016 installed and then uninstalled. Description
If you are getting an error that says "This application has been authorized" when attempting to log into any of the SketchUp websites (forums, 3DWarehouse, Extension Warehouse), most likely the solution is to change your internet browser's security settings to allow cookies from 3rd party websites.
This error message can occur if your computer appears to be on the network more than once (in other words, it appears on the network under multiple IP addresses). The most common cause of this is that your computer has both a wired and wireless local area connection. It's easy to check whether this is the case and, if it is, to correct it:
This message will appear when the total instances of SketchUp Pro running is more than the total number of seats available for the license. Let's say, for example, you have a three-seat network license and three instances of SketchUp Pro are running. This message will appear when someone tries to launch a fourth instance of SketchUp Pro. To purchase additional network seats please visit our online store.
Clipped or Missing Faces If you orbit around your model and you see an effect that looks like a section plane attached to your view at a fixed distance you may be worried that something is wrong with your model. Worse yet, objects may disappear or appear to shake when you try to zoom in.
This is a known issue with some OpenGL graphics drivers. We have built a workaround option into SketchUp: In SketchUp, open the "Window" menu. Click "Preferences." Click "OpenGL." In the "Acceleration" section, select the "Correct reversed picking driver bug" option. Click "OK."
To keep SketchUp interactive and responsive while you're modeling, SketchUp waits to render the model with full detail until you temporarily stop working on the model. For large models that are using a complex Style, you may notice a significant pause when you end a modeling operation before the full-detail rendering completes. This pause allows you to start your next modeling operation without the renderer interrupting your work.
If your Logitech mouse is running fine in other programs, but very slowly in SketchUp, there is a setting you can switch to eliminate this problem. The newer Logitech mouse drivers have a special setting for use with games that disables acceleration, but this actually applies to all applications that use OpenGL, which includes SketchUp. To re-enable acceleration: Open the "Properties" dialog box for your Logitech mouse driver. Click the "Motion" tab. Clear the "Disable acceleration in games" check box.
Situation:When using SketchUp on Windows Vista or Windows 7, you double-click the "SketchUp" shortcut on the Desktop or from the "Windows" button, and SketchUp freezes or loads a blank window.How to fix it:To resolve this issue we recommend downloading the latest drivers for your video graphics card.If you have a nVidia video graphics card, please make sure you follow their eight-step installation instructions.
The full error message is "SketchUp can't be started because your system clock has been set back to before the last time you used SketchUp."When you encounter this error message, please contact technical support for additional assistnance.