Uploading Models

Many of the models you find in 3D Warehouse were created by SketchUp users. You can upload and share your own creations with the SketchUp community from within SketchUp or from your web browser. All you need is a model and a Trimble ID. 

Note: All models uploaded to 3D Warehouse need to follow the 3D Warehouse Content Policy and the 3D Warehouse Terms of Use

All content on the 3D Warehouse is available for and compatible with all supported versions of SketchUp. Files created with unsupported versions of SketchUp will remain available for download and can be opened in supported versions. For more information about what versions of SketchUp are supported, see End of Support.

Preparing a model for upload to 3D Warehouse

Before you upload a 3D model to 3D Warehouse, here's what you need to do:

  • Make all adjustments and save your model. The preview image that appears on the model details page is based on how the model appears in the drawing area when you upload it. Adjust the view, style, and materials before you upload your model.  
  • Check the model’s file size. Models uploaded to 3D Warehouse can’t exceed 50MB. That size is pretty big for a model, but if you do need to reduce your model’s file size, try the following:
    • Splitting the model into several files
    • Simplifying your model with images by replacing complex geometry with images that convey the same idea or replacing large images/textures (such as a large TIFF terrain image) with a file type that offers compression and is optimized for viewing on screen (such as a JPEG or PNG)
Tip: While there are different levels of detail required for different purposes, most SketchUp users favor lightweight models that don’t slow down their computer when working on larger design projects. This blog post describes how to make a great model for 3D Warehouse.

Understanding how 3D Warehouse renders file formats and materials

After you upload a model, you may notice that 3D Warehouse renders different file types. Rendering happens automatically as follows:

  • If you upload a geolocated SketchUp model, the renderbots create a KMZ file.
  • If the SketchUp model you upload is not geolocated, the renderbots create a COLLADA file, which has a .dae file extension.
Tip: Remember that SKP files are SketchUp models, and KMZ files are models exported to the KMZ format, which works with Google Earth. COLLADA files enable you to transfer data among 3D content-creation tools. You can also export models in these file types (and more) from SketchUp.

The renderbots also extract the model's materials, which 3D Warehouses users can browse and download individually.

Ready to Upload? 

For step by step guides on how to upload a model, take a look at Uploading from SketchUp or Uploading from a Browser. After uploading, take a look at Viewing and Editing Uploaded Models for how to manage uploaded content.

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