When I launch SketchUp for OS X, SketchUp unexpectedly quits

The Quick Answer

  • Check that you have the most current update of OS X and the most current version of SketchUp for OS X installed.
  • Delete your SketchUp preferences (plist) file.

Situation: SketchUp unexpectedly quits as soon as you start it on Mac OS X.

The problem is either with a corrupt preference file, a corrupt application file, or a system conflict. Here are some steps you can take to try to resolve this:

  • Be sure that you've updated to the most current update available for your current installation of OS X:
    1. Click the Apple.
    2. On the "Apple" menu, click "Software Update."
    3. If there is a Mac OS X update available, install it.
  • Whether or not you installed an update, restart your Mac.
  • If SketchUp still crashes, delete the SketchUp preferences file. (Note: This step resets all of your preferences, including references to the location of materials and components you've added.)
    1. Quit SketchUp.
    2. Open a Finder window.
    3. In the left pane, click your user name.
    4. In the right pane, click the "Library" folder.
    5. In the "Library" folder, click the "Preferences" folder.
    6. In the "Preferences" folder, find the SketchUp preferences file(s) and drag it to the Trash. The file can be one or more of the following:
    7. Start SketchUp. A new preferences file is generated.
  • If SketchUp still crashes, it's possible that some of its files have become corrupted, so you should completely remove SketchUp and its files, and then reinstall it.
    1. Quit SketchUp. (If you have more than one instance of SketchUp open, make sure you quit all instances of SketchUp.)
    2. Open a Finder window.
    3. Delete the SketchUp folder from the main library:
      1. In the left pane, click "Macintosh HD."
      2. In the right pane, click "Library," and then "Application Support."
      3. In the "Application Support" folder, find the "SketchUp #" folder, and then drag it to the trash.
    4. Delete the SketchUp folder from your user library:
      1. In the left pane, click your user name.
      2. In the right pane, click "Library," and then "Application Support."
      3. In the "Application Support" folder, find the "SketchUp #" folder, and then drag it to the trash.
    5. Delete the SketchUp application:
      1. In the left pane, click "Applications."
      2. In the right pane, find the "SketchUp #" folder, and then drag it to the trash.
    6. Reinstall SketchUp. If you need to download the trial version again: click here.
  • If SketchUp still crashes, the issue could be a conflicting with other software.
    1. Exit any other running applications (including any applications running in the background).
    2. Try to start SketchUp. If this works, then there is a conflict with one of the applications you closed, and you should test against each one to see the one that is causing the conflict.
  • If SketchUp still crashes, the issue is likely due to damaged hardware that may need fixing or replacement. We recommend that you work with a technician experienced with Apple computers to resolve this.
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