When I launch SketchUp for OS X, SketchUp unexpectedly quits
The Quick Answer
- Check that you have the most current update of OS X and the most current version of SketchUp for OS X installed.
- Delete your SketchUp preferences (plist) file.
Situation: SketchUp unexpectedly quits as soon as you start it on Mac OS X.
The problem is either with a corrupt preference file, a corrupt application file, or a system conflict. Here are some steps you can take to try to resolve this:
- Be sure that you've updated to the most current update available for your current installation of OS X:
- Click the Apple.
- On the "Apple" menu, click "Software Update."
- If there is a Mac OS X update available, install it.
- Whether or not you installed an update, restart your Mac.
- If SketchUp still crashes, delete the SketchUp preferences file. (Note: This step resets all of your preferences, including references to the location of materials and components you've added.)
- Quit SketchUp.
- Open a Finder window.
- In the left pane, click your user name.
- In the right pane, click the "Library" folder.
- In the "Library" folder, click the "Preferences" folder.
- In the "Preferences" folder, find the SketchUp preferences file(s) and drag it to the Trash. The file can be one or more of the following:
- Start SketchUp. A new preferences file is generated.
- If SketchUp still crashes, it's possible that some of its files have become corrupted, so you should completely remove SketchUp and its files, and then reinstall it.
- Quit SketchUp. (If you have more than one instance of SketchUp open, make sure you quit all instances of SketchUp.)
- Open a Finder window.
- Delete the SketchUp folder from the main library:
- In the left pane, click "Macintosh HD."
- In the right pane, click "Library," and then "Application Support."
- In the "Application Support" folder, find the "SketchUp #" folder, and then drag it to the trash.
- Delete the SketchUp folder from your user library:
- In the left pane, click your user name.
- In the right pane, click "Library," and then "Application Support."
- In the "Application Support" folder, find the "SketchUp #" folder, and then drag it to the trash.
- Delete the SketchUp application:
- In the left pane, click "Applications."
- In the right pane, find the "SketchUp #" folder, and then drag it to the trash.
- Reinstall SketchUp. If you need to download the trial version again: click here.
- If SketchUp still crashes, the issue could be a conflicting with other software.
- Exit any other running applications (including any applications running in the background).
- Try to start SketchUp. If this works, then there is a conflict with one of the applications you closed, and you should test against each one to see the one that is causing the conflict.
- If SketchUp still crashes, the issue is likely due to damaged hardware that may need fixing or replacement. We recommend that you work with a technician experienced with Apple computers to resolve this.