Uploading Catalog Content

You can upload all of your catalog content into 3D Warehouse using a single .csv file. When creating your .csv, keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Organize your catalog by collection.
  • Add collection details like a thumbnail or a URL.
  • Add a product description for each model.

To upload a .csv to 3D Warehouse:

  1. Sign into 3D Warehouse.
  2. From the user menu, select Manage Content.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For a new catalog, click Get Blank CSV Template.
    • To create and edit a .csv for an existing catalog, click Get CSV of Your Content.
  4. Edit the .csv as needed.
  5. Upload the .csv.

Editing the data in your .csv file

For each model, the following fields are required:

  • Action
  • Type
  • Title
  • SketchUp Filename
  • Containing Collection(s)

All other fields are options.

For a collection, the following fields are required:

  • Action
  • Type
  • SketchUp Filename

For more details on how to fill out each field in the .csv, see the following table:

Column Name in .csv FilePossible ValueUse It To …
ActioncreateUpload a new model or create a new collection.
 updateModify an existing model or collection.
 deleteDelete an existing model or collection. Because this action deletes data and analytics for the catalog item, you may prefer to use the update value and change the item’s privacy from public to private, which retains the item’s stats.
 noneIndicate that you don’t want to change a model or collection.
TypemodelIndicate the row data is for a model.
 collectionIndicate the row is for a collection.
TitleThe model or collection’s nameGives the model or collection a name that appears in the 3D Warehouse.
SketchUp FilenameName of a SketchUp file stored on your computer, such as MyModel.skpTells the 3D Warehouse which file users can download on the model page. If this is a collection, leave this field blank.
Thumbnail FilenameA filename for a JPG or PNG image file on your computer, such as image.jpg or image.pngAdd a thumbnail image to a collection. The row’s Type value needs to be collection.
DescriptionAny textProvide a detailed description of your model or collection, such as product descriptions from other online or print catalogs. Use the # symbol to turn any word in your description into a hashtag, which makes your model easy to find via searches for that term.
Containing Collection(s)Title of one or more collections. Use a comma to separate multiple collection names. You must surround each collection title in double quote (") characters.Add the model or collection to the collection(s) specified in this column. For example, if you have a collection with the Title Sofas, and want to add the model in this row to that collection, type "Sofas" in this column. To add the model to the Sofas collection and the Sofa Beds collection, type "Sofas", "Sofa Beds".
Allow CommentsYesEnable other 3D Warehouse users to leave comments on the model details page. A blank field defaults to Yes.
 NoPrevent users from commenting.
Information URLA valid URL beginning with http://Direct users to a website where they can learn more about the model.


Warning: You will see four additional columns at the end of the .csv template: ID, Date Modified, Time Modified, and URL. Do not edit these fields. 3D Warehouse uses these fields behind the scenes to manage your uploads and updates. If you add or modify data in these fields, 3D Warehouse may not be able to process your updates.


Bulk Uploading

To upload your finalized .csv, follow these steps:

  1. Return to Manage Content.
  2. Upload your .csv in the areas provided.
  3. Fix any errors that appear in the actions table
Tip: The Manage Content page validates each row in your .csv file. Use the row number in the actions table to find the row that you need to fix in your .csv file.
  1. After you resolve all the errors in the actions table, click Process Actions.
  2. 3D Warehouse will begin updating your catalog.
  3. When the Process Complete page appears, click Go to Your Profile to view all the content you uploaded. The 3D Warehouse may need about one minute to display all updates.
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