SketchUp Model Effects

SketchUps Environments, Shadows, and Ambient Occlusion effects add detail and depth to a model. You can use the Effects section of the SketchUp Model panel to adjust all of these settings.


Environments add a panoramic background and image-based lighting conditions to a Sketchup model, providing real-world values for lighting and reflections based on that location. You can add or change a model’s environment using the options in the Effects section of the SketchUp Model panel.


The Select tab contains options to view the environments already in a model, or add one of the default environments. After selecting an environment, you can adjust the environment’s options in the Edit tab.


To learn more about environments and how they can enhance SketchUp models see Adding an Environment to a Model.

Shadows and Fog

The Shadows settings can help you set a specific time of year and time of day, impacting the light and shadows in and around your model. Fog can add simulated fog to further enhance the look of the model.


When you activate Shadows you can then set a day and time. When you activate Fog, fog will appear in the model. You can adjust the color of the fog, or choose to override the fog color. For more information on how these settings affect a SketchUp model see Casting Real-World Shadows or Letting the Fog Roll into Your Model.

Ambient Occlusion


Ambient Occlusion can add depth or intensity to the lines in a model. Selecting Ambient Occlusion enables the Distance and Intensity sliders. Adjusting Distance will increase or decrease how far away the effect of occlusion is from your edges. Adjusting Intensity increases or decreases the depth and strength of the shading used.

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