File Management

SketchUp for Web saves your models to Trimble Connect, Trimble's cloud-based common data environment and collaboration platform. We've put together all the information you need to use Trimble Connect to manage the files for the models you create in SketchUp for Web including:

  • Opening Files - You can open files from the SketchUp for Web Home page, Trimble Connect, or from a file saved to your device.
  • Saving and Downloading Files - SketchUp for Web helps you save updates to your models through auto-saves to Trimble Connect, backups in your browser's cache, a full revision history, and the ability to download your model.
  • Link Sharing - With Link Sharing, SketchUp makes it easy to show off your awesome models without worrying about accidental edits, unexpected downloads, or your document ending up in the wrong hands.
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