Changing Your 3D Warehouse Profile Photo

One of the most important elements of your 3D Warehouse user profile is your profile photo. This is the image that others see when they look at your models, collections, comments, and, of course, your Profile.

After you Sign In to 3D Warehouse, choose Edit Profile from the User drop-down menu:

  1. Click Edit Photo to choose a new user profile photo. A file chooser will appear, giving you the option to upload your own photo, or choose from a set of pre-defined avatars.
  2. Pick a photo one of two ways...
    1. Click Upload a photo to browse for an image on your computer. Take note of the allowed file formats, maximum file size constraints, and recommended pixel dimensions. After selecting a file, a cropper widget will appear, giving you the option to frame and crop your photo.
    2. Your other option is to choose one of the avatars in the section below the Upload button.
  3. Click Done to return to the User Profile page.
  4. Click Save on the User Profile page to make your changes official.
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